

Catch up with your PTO

Our PTO meetings are the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm, location to be announced. Stay in the know with our meeting notes and other documents.


PTO Funding and Reimbursement Request

Programs or activities funded by the PTO must involve children or families from Hatch School. These programs and activities must promote positive school and/or community relationships and demonstrate an educational or social benefit.

New Funding Requests in excess of $100 will be proposed and voted on at the next PTO Meeting. A funding request in excess of $750 will be proposed at the next PTO meeting and voted on during the following meeting. If possible, you should attend the meeting to explain your request and answer any questions. Funding requests of $100 or less, up to $1,000 a year, will be reviewed, and if appropriate, approved by a member or members of the PTO Board. Such approvals will be shared with other Board members during the next Board Meeting and included in the PTO meeting minutes.

REIMBURSEMENT Requests are for expenditures already approved in the budget or in a prior PTO meeting. Receipts must accompany your request.

Date of request Committee making request (if applicable): Contact name Contact email
Please make one selection:
New Funding Request
Dollar amount requested: Make check payable to: Name of person making request Submit