About Your Hatch PTO

Community working Together

Striving for positivity

The PTO consists of parents, guardians, staff, teachers and patrons of William Hatch Elementary School in Oak Park, IL. Our purpose is to foster a sense of support, pride, and enthusiasm for the school. Through various family and community activities, the PTO promotes positive school and community relationships to enhance the educational environment for our children.

Find files of our Hatch Happenings Newsletters, Meeting Minutes, Budget, PTO Funding and Reimbursement Request by clicking the button below.

PTO Sponsored Events

What do we do?

The PTO works hard to enhance the educational environment and create positive community relations. Our PTO only functions with YOUR support through our fundraising efforts.

Enhance Educational Environment

Educational Tools

The PTO offers programs and funding for Hatch After Hours, scholarships, program subscriptions, as well as other support for our teachers and staff.

Positive Community Relations


We provide positive community relations which include: Fall Fest 2022, Turkey Trot, Hubbard Street Dance, Picture Day, the Yearbook, Hatchwear, Sustainability program, and much more.

Support Hatch Administration

Lifting Up Our Teachers & Staff

The PTO loves to support our teachers and staff by providing lunch, coffee and donuts, supplies that are not covered by the district and to contribute to celebratory and bereavement events.

Diversity & Inclusivity

Celebrating Diversity

We have a Diversity Committee (DivCo) who work closely with the D97 DivCo to educate our community about diversity and inclusivity.


Green Team

Our Green Team helps to teach our administration and students how to participate in environmentally friendly and conscious activities. We work with Seven Generations to push for not only our school but the district to create positive and sustainable solutions.

Fundraising Efforts

Your Support

We are able to have such wonderful opportunities for everyone by having fundraisers like BINGO Night, Fun Fair, Sponsor A Luminary, Amazon Smile and more. We appreciate your participation and donations.

Who Are We?

Hatch PTO Board Members


Michele Freiburg


Beth Sauers


David Wargula


Kristy Hayden


Erin Flanagan-Kopenec

VP of Communications

Steve Johnson

Co-VP of Hatch After Hours

Elizabeth O'Brien

Co-VP of Hatch After Hours

Position Not Filled

Co-VPs of Green Team

Bri Kellogg


Kathleen Lorden

VP of Volunteers

Molly Dula Weber

VP of Chairpersons

Victoria Bynum

VP of Diversity (DivCo)

Sarah Mendez

Hatch Principal

Porsche Winfield

Faculty Liaison

Hatch PTO CHAirs


Book Fair: Beth Sauers

Directory: Open

Fall Fest: Nell Maggio

Fun Fair: Meg Cooch, Rohini D'Silva & Emily Kubasak

Fundraising: Elyse Smith

Green Team: Open

Hatch Patch: Erin Flanagan-Kopenec & Mallory Slesser

Hatch Historian: Open

Luminary Night: Open

Room Parents: Bri Weiner

School Supplies: Carolyn Goldhaber

Spiritwear: Jenny Austin

Teacher Appreciation: Katie L'Heureux

Tiger Cash: Meg Cooch & Liz Williams-Clark

Turkey Trot: Open

Website: Erin Flanagan-Kopenec

Wellness: Bri Kellogg

Yearbook: Erin Flanagan-Kopenec