As of right now, the greatest need for the influx of migrant families to Chicago is for warm ADULT clothing and quarters for laundry. Here is a promo/explanation video and the slide deck that goes with it.
Donations of the following items should be brought to the main entrance at Hatch and placed in the collection bin. These are the items we are currently accepting:
Small and medium sweatpants and leggings (no jeans, NO KIDS STUFF or other clothing at this time)
Winter coats of any size (puffer style preferred)
NEW Underwear and socks (adult and child/toddler sizes)
Sleeping bags and blankets, pillows, self inflating floor mats
Winter boots of any size
If you would rather support us in a different way, you can purchase items from our Amazon wishlist here.
Quarters are needed for laundry. Each class will receive a labeled jar to collect quarters which will be in their classroom. Kids can bring their quarters from now until Nov. 20th to their class donation jar. We will count the quarter donations at the end of the day on the 20th. The class that collects the most quarters by Nov. 20th will win a FREE recess and a segment in the Hatch Newsroom!
To keep up-to-date with the village response visited the Emergency Response page, and you can follow the following groups on Facebook for current needs in this fluid process of volunteering and helping: Oak Park Supports/Apoya and Activate Oak Park.